Sunday, 1 June 2008

Back in time; lessons never learned!

Below is a text I wrote on the 18th of December 2006, in the hope for better days.
In retrospect; this same SHIT still applies.
"Peine perdue", us Lebanese truly deserve the 65 years of " FALSE independence", for we are not worthy of this biblical (yes biblical) land of ours. This land that was created by God (call him Allah,Lord Ja,Jehova,...etc) as a safe heaven for all persecuted people; you tried to claim it your own, and your own only.This land is mentioned in most of the scriptures, and what have you done to it?
Fuck you all, for having tarnished this earthly piece of heaven.

" Stop the hypocrisy. We Lebanese have reached the point of no return. No I am not professing the “Lebanese Forces” old ideology of “Canton”, nor the notion of “Koumat Arabia”. The scars of 15 years of civil war run too deep within our veins. The bigotry is deeply rooted, so is the lack of tolerance. No matter how hard our leaders try to pretend that they have turned the page and made do with their bloody past; we Lebanese cannot forget.
I know I won’t.
I hold no respect for ALL those who stand behind bullet proof glass and spit out speeches engulfing those feeble minded people in a state of false frenzy.
Here I am trying to share my frustration, insanity, anger; whilst sipping my drink and listening to music.
A majority might call me decadent, a fruit of the debauched west; and the rest might label me a long lost hippie who does not fit the cause’s profile.
Some might use religion to prove the evil within me, and how people like me are the root of all evil and what is wrong with our country.
To all those people I hold no ill feelings, I embrace their way of thinking; but I don’t agree with it. I do not agree with the complacency they have shown throughout the years of struggle and strife (and many more to come).
Every single Lebanese has his own fears, that he does not even entertain within his own privacy.
Every single Lebanese is waiting for someone (any idiot will do) to speak his mind and voice his concerns.
Lebanese wake up and smell the cyanide! Your country has been sold short and to the lowest bidder.
What happened to our culture and heritage? Have we truly become nothing but people moved by feudal landlords fighting for a bigger chunk of the so called Lebanese pie? Or have we traded our culture for that of Haifa, Nancy, Star Academy, and a downtown worthy of the Red Light District in Amsterdam?
To those of you who had their adolescence stolen from them in the mid seventies, reminisce and remember how Lebanon was; even during the war. Think about all the sacrifices you made, and those you had to make. Don’t let them go in vain.
Think about the friends, acquaintances who did not make it and those who are still missing; don’t betray the promise you once made to yourselves.
Stand up and reclaim your Lebanese identity!"

N.B: Bashar is coming to see Suleiman (our newly APPOINTED president) next month.
178000 dead and over 18000 missing are pissing on us.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stared at your CourtFool image for a good 2 minutes! How serene :-), I felt at home.